产品概述: 1、S系列减速机具有很高的科技含量,有斜齿轮与蜗轮蜗杆结合一体传动,提高该机力矩与效率。该系列产品规格齐全,转速范围广,通用性好,适应各种安装方式,性能安全可靠寿命长,实施了国际标准要求。 2、机体表面凹凸具有散热作用,吸振强,低温升,低噪音。 3、该机密封性能好,对工作环境适应性强。 4、S系列斜齿轮蜗轮减速机传动精度高,特别适应在有频繁启动的场合工作,可连接各类减速器及配置各类型电机驱动,可安装在90度传动操作 位置。 5、S斜齿轮减速机关键零部件采用了高耐磨材料,并经过特种热处理,具有加工精度高,传动平稳、体积小承载能力大、寿命长等特点。 6、斜齿轮减速机可配置各种类电机,形成了机电一体化,完全保证了产品使用质量特征。 性能特点: 1、斜齿轮和蜗轮组合,结构紧凑,减速比大。 2、安装方式:底脚安装、空心轴安装、法兰安装、扭力臂安装、小法兰安装。 3、输入方式:电机直联、电机皮带联接或输入轴、联接法兰输入。 4、平均效率:减速比7.5-69.39是77% ;70.43-288是62% ;S/R组合式是57%。 5、和R系列组合能得到更大的速比。 技术参数: 速比范围:基本型9.96~244.74,S系列/R系列组合型可达到8608 扭矩范围:43~4200 Nm 功率范围:0.18~22 KW 结构形式: S-轴伸式联接 SF-轴伸式、法兰安装 S...S-表示轴输入 SA-轴装式联接 SAF-轴装式、法兰安装 基本型号: 实心轴输出底脚安装型:S37、S47、S57、S67、S77、S87、S97 实心轴带输出法兰安装型:SF37、SF47、SF57、SF67、SF77、SF87、SF97 输出空心轴安装型:SA37、SA47、SA57、SA67、SA77、SA87、SA97 输出空心轴带输出法兰安装型:SAF37、SAF47、SAF57、SAF67、SAF77、SAF87、SAF97 输出空心轴带扭力臂安装型:SAT37、SAT47、SAT57、SAT67、SAT77、SAT87、SAT97 输出空心轴带小法兰安装型:SAZ37、SAZ47、SAZ57、SAZ67、SAZ77、SAZ87、SAZ97 实心轴输入底脚安装型:SS37、SS47、SS57、SS67、SS77、SS87、SS97 实心轴输出底脚安装组合型:S37R17、S47R17、S57R17、S67R37、S77R37、S87R57、S97R57 空心轴输入底脚安装型:SAS37、SAS47、SAS57、SAS67、SAS77、SAS87、SAS97 实心轴输出底脚安装组合型:SA37R17、SA47R17、SA57R17、SA67R37、SA77R37、SA87R57、SA97R57 实心轴输入法兰输出安装型:SFS37、SFS47、SFS57、SFS67、SFS77、SFS87、SFS97 输出带法兰底脚安装组合型:SF37R17、SF47R17、SF57R17、SF67R37、SF77R37、SF87R57、SF97R57 实心轴输入带法兰安装型:SAFS37、SAFS47、SAFS57、SAFS67、SAFS77、SAFS87、SAFS97 输出空心轴带输出法兰组合型:SAF37R17、SAF47R17、SAF57R17、SAF67R37、SAF77R37、SAF87R57、SAF97R57 输出空心轴带小法兰安装型:SAZS37、SAZS47、SAZS57、SAZS67、SAZS77、SAZS87、SAZS97 输出空心轴带小法兰安装组合型:SAZ37R17、SAZ47R17、SAZ57R17、SAZ67R37、SAZ77R37、SAZ87R57、SAZ97R57 Products overview: 1, the product used seriation, modular design thought, has a wide range of adaptability, the series of products have much motor combination, installation position and structure scheme, the transmission ratio grading fine, meet different working condition, realize mechanical and electrical integration. 2, R series helical gear machine of decelerate of hard tooth flank in combination with the international technical requirements, has the very high content of science and technology; 3, save a space of machine of decelerate of hard tooth flank, reliable and durable, bear high overload capacity, power of up to 132 kw. 4, low energy consumption, superior performance, reducer efficiency is as high as 95% above; 5, little vibration, low noise, high energy saving; 6, R series helical gear pause of decelerate of hard tooth flank, with high quality forged steel material semi steel box, gear surface after high frequency heat treatment; 7, after precision machining, to ensure that the axis parallelism and locating bearing requirements, the formation of helical gear transmission assembly equipped with various types of motor reducer, combined into mechanical and electrical integration, fully guarantee the quality of the deceleration motor products use features. Performance characteristics: 1, small offset output, compact structure, make the best use of housing space, secondary and tertiary in the same enclosure. 2, the integral casting box, box structure stiffness is good, easy to increase the strength of the shaft and bearing life. 3, installation: installed foot, flange with flange size, easy to choose. 4, solid shaft output, the average efficiency is the secondary and tertiary 96% and 94%, combination of R/R, the average efficiency of 85%. 5, designed for mixing the RM series can bear larger axial force and radial force. Technical parameters: Speed ratio range: R basic 3.33 ~ 289.74, RX 1.3 ~ 8.65, R/R combination can be up to 27001 Torque range: R basic 85 ~ 18000 Nm, RX 20 ~ 1680 Nm Basic 0.18 ~ 160 kW power range: R, RX 0.18 ~ 132 kW Structure: R: shaft extension type foot install RF: flange installation RF: foot flange installation RM: flange installation with extended bearing box RX: single-stage foot installation RXF: single-stage flange installation The basic model: lying Type foot installation type: R17, R27, R37, R47, R57, R67, R77, R87, R97, R107, R137, R147, R167 Flange installation type: RF17, RF27, RF37, RF47, RF57, RF67, RF77, RF87, RF97, RF107, RF137, RF147, RF167 Single stage horizontal transmission foot installation type: RX37, RX57, RX67, RX77, RX87, RX97, RX107, RX127 and X157 Vertical flange installation type: RXF37, RXF57, RXF67, RXF77, RXF87, RXF97, RXF107, RXF127, RXF157 Horizontal band input shaft installation type: RS27, RS37, RS47, RS57, RS67, RS77, RS87, RS97, RS107, RS137, RS147, RS167 The bottom horizontal installation combination: R37R17, R57R37, R67R37, R77R37, R87R57, R97R57, R107R77, R137R77, R147R77, R147R87, R167R97, R167R107 Flange with vertical axis input installation type: RFS27, RFS37, RFS47, RFS57, RFS67, RFS77, RFS87, RFS97, RFS107, RFS137, RFS147, RFS167 Vertical flange installation combination RF37R17, RF57R37, RF67R37, RF77R37, RF87R57, RF97R57, RF107R77, RF137R77, RF147R77, RF147R87, RF167R97, RF167R107 Single stage horizontal band transmission shaft input installation type: RXS37, RXS57, RXS67, RXS77, RXS87, RXS97, RXS107, RXS127, RXS157 Single stage drive flange with vertical axis input type installation RXFS37, RXFS57, RXFS67, RXFS77, RXFS87, RXFS97, RXFS107, RXFS127, RXFS157